Below is the list of frequently asked questions, if you have other questions please contact us at groningen@congressbydesign.com
Payment methods
We accept payments by credit card and bank transfer. We cannot accept payment by check and debit card. Any additional fees (e.g. bank changer) are at own expense.
Payment of the applicable registration fee must have been made within 14 days after registration to secure your participation.
Privacy policy
Personal data will be collected, processed and stored by Groningen Congress Bureau (the "Processor”), on behalf of the faculty in its capacity as data controller, only for the preparation and execution of the 5th European Conference on Neonatal and Paediatric Pulmonary Vascular Disease. Delegates’ personal data will be retained securely and under the applicable law, you may, at any time, request access to your personal data, as well as its rectification, erasure or limited processing, portability of your data, or oppose to the processing by written request addressed to the Data Controller through the e-mail address info@gcb.nl
Groningen Congress Bureau does not give your personal information to anyone else unless one of the following applies;
You would reasonably expect that your information will be passed on to the recipient as part of the provision of products or services to you ancillary to your registration for this conference;
You have consented;
It is required or authorized by law;
It will prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to somebody’s life or health;
It is reasonably necessary for the enforcement of the criminal law or of a law imposing a pecuniary penalty, or for the protection of public revenue.
Cancellation of registration has to be done by email to the GCB Secretariat (info@gcb.nl). If a cancellation is received before or on ... reimbursement of the registration fee and social events, minus 75 Euro handling charges, will be made. After this date, or if registrants fail to attend the Congress for any reason whatsoever, regrettably no refund (registration fee and social events) can be made.
Representatives of the press and media agencies with media credentials are welcome to attend PPVD2022. Contact the Congress Secretariat for details of media registration.
By registering as media representatives for the conference journalists, press photographers, film crews and other members of the press accept that they must comply with the conference Press Policy. Failure to do so may result in the immediate withdrawal of press registration.
Picture taking, audio/video recording and/or filming at the conference venue without prior permission of the organizers are prohibited. Requests for interviews of speakers or faculty should be sent to the Congress Secretariat.